Working with IoT dashboards
For faster learning and a better understanding of this guide, first, you have to follow the Getting Started guide to get familiar with IIoTNext Platform devices and dashboards.
IIoTNext Platform provides the ability to create and manage dashboards.
Each dashboard can contain plenty of widgets. Dashboards display data from many entities: devices, assets, etc. Dashboards can be assigned to Customers.
This guide covers main concepts and various configuration settings.
Adding a dashboard
To add a new dashboard, you should:
- Go to Dashboard groups through the main menu on the left of the screen;
- To add a new dashboard group, click the “+” sign in the upper right corner of the screen, or open the “All” dashboard group and click the “+” sign in the upper right corner there;
- In the opened dialog, necessary to enter a dashboard title, description is optional. Click “Add”.
Dashboard overview
Before starting working with a dashboard, get familiar with its interface to understand which features are responsible for what actions.
Editable dashboard title appears in the top-left corner of the dashboard. Dashboard title is displayed in the application breadcrumbs to simplify the navigation You can change and adjust a Title in the settings of the dashboard
Edit mode
Use the “pencil” button in the bottom-right corner of the screen to enter dashboard edit mode. Once you switch to the edit mode, you can add new widgets and access controls in the dashboard toolbar. You can also use button “Apply changes” to save the dashboard or “Decline changes” to rollback all unsaved changes.
Dashboard toolbar allows you to manage states, layouts, settings, aliases, filters, and configure timewindow using the corresponding icons in the toolbar.
Some of these icons (stats, layout, settings) are visible only in the “edit” mode. All other icons are visible in both “view” and “edit” mode. You can hide these icons or configure the toolbar to be minimized by default using settings.
Entity Aliases
Entity Aliases determine which entities (devices, assets, etc) you would like to display on the dashboard. You can treat alias as a reference to one or more devices. These references can be static or dynamic.
An example of the static alias is the Single entity alias. An entity is configured once in the alias dialog box. All users see the same data if they have permission to access this device.
An example of a dynamic alias is the Device type alias, which displays all devices of a certain type (e.g. “Thermometer”). This alias is dynamic because the list of devices depends on the user using the dashboard. If you are logged in as administrator, this alias will be resolved all Thermometer devices. However, if you are logged in as a Customer user, this alias will be resolved to Thermometer devices that are assigned/owned by that Customer.
Please see the Entity aliases documentation for more information.
Widget types
All IoT dashboards are constructed using IIoTNext Platform widgets that are displayed in Widget library. Each widget provides end-user functions such as data visualization, remote device control, alarms management and displaying static custom html content. There are five types of widgets:
- Time series widgets display data for a specific time window. The time window may be real-time (e.g., for the last 24 hours) or historical (December 2020); Examples of time series widgets are chart widgets. Obviously, time series widgets are designed to display time series and not attributes;
- Latest values widgets display the latest values of particular attribute or time series keys. For example, device model or latest temperature reading;
- Control widgets allow you to send RPC commands to your devices. For example, control desired temperature on the thermostat device;
- Alarm widgets allow you to display alarms;
- Static widgets are designed to display static data. For example, floor plan or static company information.
More about widget types you can learn here.
Adding widget to the dashboard
To add a widget to a dashboard, you should:
- By clicking the pencil icon in the bottom right corner of the screen, go to the Edit mode;
- Click a big sign in the middle of the screen or the “+” icon (“Add new widget”) in the bottom right corner of the screen. Click “Create new widget” to open the “widget selection” dialog box;
- Select widget bundle, for instance, “Charts”;
- To find the widget you want as quickly as possible, use the search bar by clicking a magnifying glass icon and inputting the name of the widget there. Select a widget, for example, “Timeseries Line Chart”, and click on it to open the “Add Widget” dialog box.
Widget dialog and settings
Widget consists of the widget type, one or multiple data sources, basic and advanced settings, and actions that you can add. Therefore, the “Add widget” dialog contains four tabs for defining a widget. Note that only the data source configuration is strictly required. You can leave all other configuration tabs with the default values in most of the cases.
1. Widget data settings
Widget data settings are for adding one or multiple data sources. A data source is a combination of a data source type, an entity alias, an optional filter, and list of data keys (entity time series). Basically, the data source determines which entities (alias and filter) widget should use and what data keys to fetch for those entities.
- Time series widgets allow choosing time series data keys in the data source and the time window;
- Latest values widgets allow choosing time series, attributes and entity fields;
- Static and Control widgets do not require a data source;
- Alarm widgets allow choosing all data keys: time series, attributes, entity and alarm fields. Additionally, you can configure time window and alarm filter.
2. Widget data source types
- Entity data source
Entity data source fetches data from specified entity alias. Let’s get familiar with this feature using a basic example, displaying all existing devices on the widget.
Open a dashboard and start by adding an entity alias:
- Enter dashboard edit mode by clicking the pencil icon in the lower-right of the screen.
- Click the “Entity alias” button on the toolbar, click “Add alias” in the lower-left corner of the Entity alias dialog box.
- In the opened Add alias dialog, enter an alias name, select Entity type filter type, and choose an entity type (in the given example, use Device entity type). Click “Add”.
- Save the created alias by clicking the “Save” button in the lower right corner of the dialog.
After adding an alias, you need to add a widget to display data:
- Click the big sign in the middle of the screen “Add new widget”.
- Select Cards widget bundle. For viewing a list of entities, the Entity table widget is most suitable, so select it.
Now, it is time to add a data source:
- Select Entity type, choose the previously added entity alias. Click “Save” in the lower-left corner of the dialog window.
- After customizing a data source, click “Add” in the lower-left corner of the Add widget dialog box.
A widget that displays all devices through entity data source has been added.
- Entity count data source
Entity count data source. This feature allows you to see the number of entities by displaying them on a widget and thus determine the number of devices, assets, etc.
Let’s get familiar with this feature using a basic example, displaying the total number of existing devices on the widget.
Open a dashboard and start by adding an entity alias:
- Enter dashboard edit mode by clicking the pencil icon in the lower-right of the screen.
- Click the “Entity alias” button on the toolbar, click “Add alias” in the lower-left corner of the Entity alias dialog box.
- In the opened Add alias dialog, enter an alias name, select Entity type filter type, and choose an entity type (in the given example, use Device entity type). Click “Add”.
- Save the created alias by clicking the “Save” button in the lower right corner of the dialog.
After adding an alias, you need to add a widget to display data:
- Click the big sign in the middle of the screen “Add new widget”.
- Select Cards widget bundle and, to quickly find the desired widget use a search bar by clicking on the magnifying glass and typing the name of the widget you’re looking for. To see the number of entities properly better use the Simple card widget.
Now, it is time to add a data source:
- Select Entities count type, choose the previously added entity alias. To change a label, click the pencil icon: in the opened dialog, you can change a label name, edit its color, customize a special symbol that will be displayed next to the value, and specify the number of digits after floating-point. Click “Save” in the lower-left corner of the dialog window.
- After customizing a data source, click “Add” in the lower-left corner of the Add widget dialog box.
The widget that counts devices has been added. Nevertheless, by default, the special symbol of the widget itself (C°) is still there. So let’s enter the widget edit mode to remove it.
In the Settings tab, find the Special symbol line and delete the existing special symbol or replace it with the desired one. Also, you can indicate how many digits will be after the floating point. When changes are applied, don’t forget to save them by clicking the orange checkmark in the top-right of the dialog.
Now we have a widget that displays the number of existing devices.
3. Data keys
Data key defines time series, attribute or entity field that you would like to use in the widget. Data key definition consists of type (time series, attribute of entity field) and the actual key.
List of available attribute keys is basically a list of all client, server and shared attributes of your device or other entity.
List of available time series keys depends on what time series data you devices report to IIoTNext Platform or what time series data you have saved via rule engine or REST API.
List of entity fields depends on the entity type and may extend in the future:
- Devices, assets and entity views have the following fields: create time, entity type, name, type, label, additional info.
- User has the following fields: created time, first name, last name, email and additional info.
- Customer has the following fields: create time, entity type, email, title, country, state, city, address, zip code, phone, additional info.
3.1. Advanced data key settings
Advanced data keys configuration is responsible for the visibility, style, and appearance of a specific data key column on the widget. Entity table widget, alarms table widget, and entity admin widget bundles have the same advanced data key configuration. Charts widget bundle has its own unique advanced data key configuration. All other widget bundles have only basic data key configuration.
Learn more about advanced data key settings here.
4. Widget time window
A widget time window defines a time interval and aggregation function that should be used to fetch the time series or alarm data. By default, every widget uses the main time window determined in the dashboard’s toolbar. You can overwrite the default time window using the “Use dashboard timewindow” checkbox. You can also hide the time window selection for a specific widget from the user using the “Display timewindow” checkbox.
5. Alarm filter
In addition to the time window configuration, alarm widgets allow you to filter alarms based on status, severity, and type. You can choose a combination of alarm statuses and severity. You may also define specific alarm types as well as enable search of propagated alarms.
Basic widget settings
Let’s assume you have added the “Timeseries – Flot” widget to display thermometers using the widget data configuration step only. You should see a similar widget (note that you should send/simulate some data to see the actual lines in the chart):
Let’s use the basic widget settings to customize the widget.
1. Widget Title
You can input custom widget title, tooltip and title style. You may also add an icon to the title and control icon color and size. See configuration and the corresponding result below.
Title style from the screen above:
{ "fontSize": "16px", "fontWeight": 400 }
You may also completely hide the title using the “Display title” checkbox. You may also disable the widget shadow using the “Drop shadow” checkbox and disable fullscreen using the “Enable fullscreen” checkbox. All those settings are enabled by default.
2. Widget Style
You can customize personal style for the widget using CSS properties. This style will be applied to the main div element of the widget. You can also change the background color, text color, padding, and margin.
Widget style from the screen above:
{ "border": "3px solid #2E86C1", "cursor": "pointer" }
3. Legend settings
For chart widgets, the “Display legend” option is enabled by default. The legend is used to display the min/max/average/total values. Other widgets have this option disabled.
While the legend is enabled, you can choose the direction and position of the legend. Also, you can choose which data to include (min, max, average, total) and either to sort the data keys or not.
You may notice that the legend displays the data key label for each configured data key. When you have data from multiple devices in the same widget, it is hard to find which device corresponds to which record in the legend or in the tooltip. In order to make the legend and tooltip clear, you should use “${entityName}” or “${entityLabel}” in the data key configuration.
See configuration and the corresponding result below:
4. Mobile mode settings
Mobile Mode settings consist of two options:
- Order – set to an integer, specifies the priority of the order of displaying widgets in mobile mode (note that in mobile mode all widgets are displayed in one vertical column). If you need to arrange widgets in this column in a custom order, you can configure different order values for each widget.
- Height – takes an integer value from 1 to 10. It sets the height of the widget in Mobile Mode in the range from 70px (1) to 700px (10), ignoring its original height. For example, with a value of 5, the widget height will be 350px. (70 * 5) If no value is specified, its original height will be used.
5. Other settings
You can choose which symbol to display next to the value and the number of digits after the floating-point number. These settings are useful if you want to apply the same settings for all axis. For example, if you are showing temperature readings for multiple devices, you can add ‘°C’ or ‘°F’ symbol. However, if you are displaying both temperature and humidity, you have to configure these data keys separately using data key settings.
6. Advanced widget settings
Advanced widget settings are specific to widget implementation. Those settings allow you to fine tune the widget. For example, “Timeseries – Flot” widget allows you to configure line style, width, enable comparison with the previous time interval and use entity attributes in the legend.
7. Widget actions
Actions allow quickly and easily configuring the transition to the created state, transferring to other dashboards, or even updating the dashboard you are in. Depending on the widget, the action sources differ. However, the type of action you are able to choose will be the same for all widgets. Actions are adjusted in the Edit mode of the needed widget. To fully understand how to use Actions, you have to add a State to your widget.
Time window
Dashboard time window represents the time interval and aggregation function that will be used to fetch the time series or alarm data. Time window is used by all the time series and alarm widgets unless they are explicitly configured to overwrite its execution. In the case of a time series widget, IIoTNext Platform fetches telemetry with a timestamp that matches the time window. In the case of an alarm widget, IIoTNext Platform fetches alarms with the created time that matches the time window.
The time window can work in two modes:
- In the real-time mode, widgets constantly receive updates from the server and automatically show you only the data that matches the time window for a current timestamp.
- In the history mode, widgets receive data only during the initial load and no updates are issued over WebSockets.
The data aggregation function is applicable for time series data and is not applicable for alarms. There are five aggregation functions available at the moment: Min, Max, Average, Sum and Count. The special function called None is used to disable the aggregation. Data aggregation is useful when you don’t want to fetch all time-series data to UI, and you would like to pre-aggregate it on the database level. Using the aggregation functions saves network bandwidth and computation power of the client browser. We recommend using aggregation functions whenever is possible if you have a lot of raw values.
it is possible to use predefined intervals (Current Day, Previous Day, Previous Month, etc.) in addition to last X minutes/hours/days. Note that the Current day interval means 24 hours (12 am at night to 12 am the next night), whereas the Current day so far means from 12 am at night until the time when the time window was updated. All other intervals are distinguished in the same way.
Dashboard settings allow adjusting and altering the overall look of the Dashboard. To start customizing the Dashboard for a better user experience, the first thing you need to do is to enter the Edit mode by clicking the “Pencil” icon at the bottom right of the page (Enter edit mode).
After entering the edit mode, click the “Gear” icon at the top of the window, so the Dashboard Settings will be opened
State controller
The first thing that can be changed is State controller. By default, it’s set to “entity”, so to use all the features and work with the Dashboard as comfortable as possible we need to leave it that way.
Title of the Dashboard
If you’d like to see the Title of the Dashboard, you need to check the box Display dashboard title. The default text color is black. Color and transparency are easily adjusted using the Title color parameter by clicking the colored circle and choosing the desired color for the title by moving the slider. The changed title appears on the top left of the Dashboard.
Dashboard Toolbar Settings
The checkboxes Display Dashboard selection, Display entities selection, Display filters, Display timewindow, and Display export are responsible for the visibility of the appropriate options on the Dashboard toolbar panel.
Filters option is shown on the toolbar panel only when the one has been created. If the filter was created, but you’d like to limit the customer’s opportunity to modify the device’s indicators, we disable the ability to see filters on the toolbar panel by unchecking the corresponding checkbox.

- Columns count
While editing the Dashboard, specifically the size and space of your widgets, you can notice a whitish grid on a grey background. These are columns that determine how many widgets can fit horizontally on a Dashboard. By default, the number of columns is 24. You can increase or decrease their number. The minimum number of columns is 10. The maximum number is 1000 columns.
- Margin between widgets
This margin type determines how much space is between widgets. Be default, the margin is set on 10. You can remove it by placing 0 in the Margin between widgets line, or increase margin, that is, the distance between widgets. The maximum margin is 50.
Background settings
Background color
The Background color option allows you to customize the color that you’d like to be on the Dashboard’s background. To alter it, click on the colored circle, and with sliders choose the needed color and wished transparency. Then, press “Save” to apply changes. After saving, you can see the customized background.
Mobile layout settings
By default, the Automatic Fill Layout Height checkbox is unchecked so that you can freely adjust the size of the widgets on your mobile device. If you tick this option, all the widgets on the Dashboard will fill in vertically in the space of the screen.
Mobile row height determines how tall you’d like your widgets to be on your mobile device. By default, the height is set to 70px, but you can make it smaller or larger. The minimum Mobile row height is 5px, the maximum is 200px.
The States feature exists to create a layered hierarchy in your Dashboard. To use States properly you need to assign a specific action to a widget that will help you fast “travel” among the required states. To do this, you should click the upper left button with two-layered squares “Manage dashboard states”. It will open the window with a dashboard state configuration.
Since you haven’t created any states yet, you have only your “Root state”, namely your Dashboard. Root state defines the main state of your hierarchy. After creating additional states. You easily can change a root state by clicking the “Pencil” icon (Edit dashboard state) and ticking the “Root state” checkbox.
To add a new state, you need to click the “+” button in the right upper of the window, it will open a small window for a creating of a new state. Give it a name, a State ID will form automatically according to the name, but you can change it.
Import dashboard
You are able to import a dashboard in JSON format. To import a dashboard, you should go to the Dashboard group and click on the “+” button in the upper right corner of the page and choose “Import dashboard”. The dashboard import window should pop up, and you will be prompted to upload the JSON file and click “Import”.
Dashboard export or an exporting of a specific widget is possible as a configuration file in JSON format. You can use this file to transfer your Dashboard or widget configuration to another instance.
Export dashboard
In the Dashboards section, find the dashboard you want to export from the list. Opposite the name of the dashboard in the list, click on the “Export dashboard” button. The configuration file in JSON format with all settings on the control panel will be saved on your PC.

Export widget
To export the widget, you should go to a Dashboard, where the widget is located. Then go to the “Edit mode” by clicking on the “Pencil” icon in the lower right corner. Now in the upper right corner of the needed widget, click the button “Export widget”. This action saves the configuration file of the JSON format with all the settings of a particular widget to your PC.